Frozen Lemon & Lime Possets

This week, we decided to fill some Amalfi lemons with our Lemon & Lime Posset and freeze them. It’s safe to say they turned out to be a delicious replacement for lemon gelato. They are so easy to make and only need to be frozen for a couple of hours before eating.

Here is a step to step on how we created our frozen Lemon & Lime Possets. You can find the full step by step video on how we made them over on our Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.

You will need: Fresh lemons and pots of our Lemon & Lime Possets. (We used a pot per half lemon, but if using smaller lemons, one posset will fill 2 halved lemons).

Firstly, wash and cut your lemons in half sideways. Then scoop out the inside so you are left with just the skin.

Now add a pot of posset to each half. You can even add in extra lemon juice from your fresh lemons.

Pop lemons in the freezer for a couple of hours, top with fresh lemon zest, serve and enjoy!

Pots & Co